multi tld whoiser – for the lazy

2 Mar    porn for geeks

I’ve always been pissed off by stuffs that can’t be simple or takes time, ohh well whenever you are driven by lazyness you shall always be feeling this way. Seriously who doesn’t want to just order something and get it.

Curious by almost anything, many a time I like to know some info about some obscure website somewhere, very often, whois is a tool that I am bound to use, I don’t really care if you don’t use whois.

well imagine you wish to do whois

Macintosh-2:~ selven$ whois
whois: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

It sucks to be replied this way! How the heck can this stupid machine refuse to give a superior being info that he asks!

Hmm Β for some odd reasons, the whois server for mu is not :s, but (Morisien toujour en couyonad).

Anywayz, because I didn’t want to bump on such surprise for some other odd tld I decided to write a script that ask for the proper whois server from iana. Written in simple shell scripting, it just makes use of whois to whois iana first for $tld, then queries the whole domain from the whois server it received. Anywayz, cut off the crap, here’s the beef


# c0ded by $3|v3n || pcthegreat [47] gmail
# simple multi tld whoiser for the lazy
if [ -z $1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: muwhois"
	myvar=`whois -h $tld | grep "whois: "`
	whois -h $whoisServer $1

Note that there are a lot more other ways to do it … but i like it this way. Ofcourse you can even manually do it if you want πŸ˜€ .. i don’t care, i hate to use my mouse for other things than gaming.




  1. Hmm, i hate it when the text gets too long and one has got to scroll down to see the code. I shall write less next time.

    1. weird, i guess it is something to do with the osx whois that, why does it has to query the wrong nic server to get that :p no clue.

    1. πŸ˜€ bwwhois seems to be in ports πŸ˜€ [haven’t checked, am on my mac right now and have screwed up my mac ports πŸ˜€

  2. #!/bin/sh
    # c0ded by $3|v3n || pcthegreat [47] gmail
    # simple multi tld whoiser for the lazy

    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo “Usage: muwhois”
    myvar=`whois -h $tld | grep “whois: “`
    whois -h $whoisServer $1

    Isn’t this slightly better πŸ˜‰ ?
    //Quattro Bajeena

  3. You are mistaken, my name is Quattro Bajeena ;-), Leader
    of the Neo-Zeon movement.

    There are a lot of emacs mercenaries who might copy my signature.

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